Derek Redmond ran the 400m dash in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics Games. Derek is known for the semi-final race where only 175m from the finish line his hamstring snapped. He hobbled to a halt and fell to the ground in pain. Stretcher bearers made their way over to him, but Redmond decided he wanted to finish the race. He began to hobble along the track. The most inspirational part of the race was when his father Jim, who had come from the top row of the stadium, barged past security onto the track to help his son. Derek finished the race with the help of his father while leaning on his shoulder for support and saying “I’m here son, we’ll finish together”. In a moment of deep physical pain and sorrow, Jim encouraged His son on to the finish line!
READ: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; Hebrews 10:19-25
In these passages we are given a way to inspire one another during times of difficulty and pain, Godly Relational Characteristic #5: ENCOURAGE to one another! The word encourage is a compound word meaning, “to calling alongside” or “to call near”. An encourager is someone who, “comes alongside another to inspire HOPE or offer COMFORT”. Encouragement is helping others see beyond their circumstances and providing strength when they have none of their own. What are some ways that we can encourage one another?
Encourage one another with the future HOPE of the COMING of CHRIST (1 Thes. 4:13-18) – Life is a grueling marathon that is full of many blessings and joys but also many trials and difficulties, and at the end of the marathon . . . death. Sounds dismal, but it is true. For many this reality is crushing to their spirit. And yet, for a believer, death is not the end and does not have to empty us of joy and hope. In his crescendo for the hope of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:55-56 Paul says, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? . . . thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”. Why does Paul say this? Because death is not the end, Jesus “died and rose again” and we too will rise to “meet the Lord” and “always be with (Him)”. It is this fact that the Thessalonians to encourage one another with. Death is not the end, the reality of the resurrection and the return of Christ must be victorious over the sadness associated with death!
Encourage one another that our SALVATION prepares us for the coming of Christ (1 Thes. 5:1-11) – If we were aware that a thief was going to break into our house sometime in the next week we would do whatever was necessary to prepare. Although the timing of our death or Christ’s coming are uncertain, we can be prepared because He has told us it was coming. It is our salvation that prepares us for death or the coming of Christ! Jesus “died for us” that we might be prepared for our death. Our salvation is like leaving the light on the front porch of our lives waiting expectantly for Christ to come. Is the light of salvation on in your life?
Encourage one another to be CONFIDENT in the blood of Jesus (Heb. 10:19-25) – Giving in to the temptation of sin, not having our prayers answered, enduring trials or suffering, it doesn’t take much for us to doubt our salvation or to waver in our faith. Our source of “confidence”, our “full assurance”, the “confession of hope that we hold fast to” can only be found in in one place . . . the “blood of Jesus”. In spite of our unfaithfulness toward God, He is faithful to us. When others are hobbling through life, questioning whether they will cross the finish line, we must encourage them that Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins is their only hope.
We all need someone to encourage us in life. Someone who, when we are going through a difficult time, will come alongside of us and inspire hope and offer comfort. In John 16:7 Jesus said, “if I do not go away, the Helper (the Holy Spirit) will not come to you”. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit a Helper. The word translated “Helper” is the noun form of the verb Paul uses to instruct believers to “encourage” one another. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is ultimately the One comes alongside and encourages us! Like Jim Redmond encouraged His son across the finish line in a moment of pain and sadness, the Holy Spirit encourages us as we run the race of life . . . giving us the perfect example of how we should encourage one another.
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