Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Live in Harmony with One Another

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?  We ask this question when we want to know if someone has the same thought in mind as we do about a particular topic or in a particular moment.  In the song “Love is an Open Door” from the popular Disney movie “Frozen” Hans and Anna sing a beautiful duet expressing their mutual love for one another because of how much they think alike.  In the second stanza of the song Hans and Anna sing together, “I've never met someone who thinks so much like me Jinx! Jinx again! Our mental synchronization, can have but one explanation, you and I were just meant to be.”  Without realizing it, Disney has identified an important relational characteristic.  Let’s look at this characteristic of a godly relationship with others . . .

READ:  Romans 12:14-21

In vs 16 Paul gives us Godly Relational Characteristic # 2: Live in HARMONY with one another!  Amazingly, Disney gives a pretty good definition of what living in harmony with one another means by using the lyric, “mental synchronization.”  The word HARMONY means to “THINK THE SAME THING”.  Although translated a little bit differently, Paul says something similar in Philippians 2:2 when he says, “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” Again, in 2 Corinthians 13:11 Paul writes at the conclusion of his letter, “Finally brothers . . . agree with one another.”  These passages point to the fact that in relationship it is important that our thinking be “on the same page”.  When our beliefs, values, and priorities are the same as another, relationship is easier, but when our beliefs, values, and priorities are different, relationship is more difficult. Through Christ, believers have a unique ability to have mental synchronization with one another. What are some of the things that we should have mental synchronization with others? Let me share a few passages that give some examples of things we should have mental synchronization with Christ and with others . . .

We should have mental synchronization about SPIRITUAL things (Colossians 3:1-4) – As believers in Christ, our minds should be “seeking” spiritual things above in contrast to things on the earth.  The object of our thinking is to be eternal and not temporal.  In other words, our mind’s continual focus is to be in line with our new spiritual life in Christ.  Sharing a singular pursuit of things above gives focused meaning, purpose, and depth to our relationships with others.  Living in harmony with one another means our relationships will no longer be cluttered with the temporal things on the earth, but instead we will have a common eternal goal that we are focused on together.

We should have mental synchronization about SUFFERING (1 Peter 4:1-2) – Jesus Christ endured the suffering of physical pain and death in order to do away with sin (1 Pet 3:18).  We are to arm ourselves with a similar way of thinking in order to do away with the sin in our lives.  Dying to our sin can be a difficult and painful process, and yet a mindset of death toward our “human passions” is the only way we will be able to live for the “will of God” (cf Romans 6:5-14).  Sharing such a way of thinking with others provides the accountability we need in order to be set free from the slavery of sin.  Living in harmony with one another means exhorting one another with the truth about our sin so that we don’t become hardened by its deceitfulness (Heb. 3:12-13).

We should have mental synchronization about SERVING (Phil. 2:5-11) – Jesus Christ displayed humble servanthood by His death on the cross.  He, unselfishly and with our interest in mind, sacrificed His own life in order that we might be forgiven and experience a new spiritual life.  Serving others is an action that requires a humble and other-centered mindset, and yet this is “the mind” we are to have among ourselves in Christ Jesus.  Sharing a mind of servanthood is creates a perfect relational environment for mutual benefit and growth.  Ultimately, the goal of living in harmony with one another is so that individually and collectively we grow together into the image of Christ (1 Cor 12:7; Eph. 4:15-16).

Mental synchronization is a necessary characteristic of good relationships.  We will not experience harmony with others until our minds are in harmony with Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 2:6-16).  Are you thinking what Jesus is thinking?  About God? About yourself? About others?  About sin?  About what is true?  About marriage?  About the future?  About life? About eternity? About salvation?  If not, maybe it’s time to get your mind in harmony with Him!

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