God’s Word tells us that the source of light that overcomes the darkness is Jesus Christ! John 1:4-5 says that, “Jesus was the life, and the life was the light of men . . . and (His) light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” In John 8:12 Jesus Himself said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light; sin, evil, and wickedness cannot exist in the presence of Christ. How do we bring the light of Christ to the world?
READ: Matthew 5:14-16
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells His disciples that believers in Christ are to be the LIGHT in a dark WORLD! Ephesians 5:8 says that, “at one time (we) were darkness, but now (we) are the light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.” Believers in Christ carry the Lord Jesus Christ as the source of the light of goodness, righteousness, and truth within us which can be seen by others. How can we most effectively shine this light in our dark world?
As believers in Christ, light must be who we ARE (Mt. 5:14) – The invention of electricity has changed the way we use light. If we want light, we turn the switch on. If we don’t want light, we turn the switch off. This is not how we are to understand the light of Christ dwelling within us. Jesus said that his disciples, “ARE the light of the world”! We do not turn this light “ON” when we want to and turn it “OFF” when we want to. Since Jesus is light, if He dwells inside of us, the switch in our lives has been permanently turned to the ON position . . . light is who we ARE! The light of Christ is either within us and is shining brightly or it is not within us and we are darkness. Since light is who we are, we will only do what a light does, . . . shine.
Our light must not be HIDDEN, but SHINE for the world to see (Mt. 5:15) – “This Little Light of Mine” is a popular children’s song written in 1920. One line in the song says, “hide it under a bushel? NO! I’m gonna let it shine.” No one lights a lamp and hides it! Once the light of Christ is shining within us, it is not something we should be embarrassed or ashamed of and want to keep “hidden” or conceal. The light of Christ dwelling within us should be something that is visible for all to see. He should be placed on the stand of our lives where EVERYONE will see His glory in our lives.
Our light shines before others through GOOD WORKS (Mt. 5:16) – The way that Christ will shine brightest in and through us is by the “good works” that He has created for us to do for other people (Eph. 2:10). God created us to transmit His glory (often described as light) throughout the world. The good works we do radiate the love and compassion that God has for all people. We put the glory of God on display as the light of Christ shines through the good works of our lives (2 Cor. 9:8; Col. 1:10; 1 Tim. 6:18; Titus 2:7, 14).
Philippians 2:15 Paul said that we are to be, “children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom (we) shine as lights in the world!” The crooked and twisted generation that we are living in desperately needs the light of Christ. Is the light of Christ shining brightly in and through you?
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