Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Out of This World: Hatred NOT Friendship

Have you ever taken the time to read the comments at the end of a news article or a Facebook status on a controversial issue?  Wow, those comments are full of cruelty and hostility!  I think those comments often represent the hidden hatred that dwells inside the hearts of people.  Leaving an “anonymous” comment is a way for people to express their animosity toward someone or an issue that they feel strongly about.

For example, World Vision’s decision to reverse its decision concerning the hiring of individuals in a same-sex relationship caused an eruption of hateful responses.  These responses unveil some of the thoughts and beliefs people have toward God and those who are genuinely attempting to follow Christ.  What’s behind this hatred?

READ:  John 15:18-25

The world will HATE us as a result of our friendship with God!  Expect it, don’t be surprised by it, don’t try to avoid it, in fact, we are blessed as a result of being hated by the world (Luke 6:22)!  As Christ followers, understanding why the world hates us will help us be more prepared for the hostility directed at us.

The world will hate us because it HATED Jesus FIRST (John 15:18, 20-21, 25) – In other words, we are guilty by association. To be guilty by association means the world attributes guilt to us because of our association with Jesus who the world considers guilty.  Since the world hates Jesus, we who are associated with Him will be hated as well.  Why does the world hate Jesus?  Jesus was "hated" because He claimed to be God, He spent time with sinners, and He claimed the authority to forgive sin.  To the world, Jesus is a divine authority that they do not want to receive or submit to.  So, when we receive and submit to Him the world violently rejects us as well.  Is there enough evidence in our lives that others would say we are associated with Jesus?  If so, expect to be hated; if not, it might be worth considering whether we are truly associated with Him or not!

The world will hate us because God CHOSE to SET US APART from this world (John 15:19) – As long as we speak, behave, and live in a way that is similar to the rest of the world we will be loved.  As long as we “fit right in” the world will welcome and accept us.  The world loves us when we “join the party”.  In contrast, being “chosen” by God means being set apart and living a distinctly different life of holiness.  When God sets us apart and we are no longer “of this world” the world will be personally offended.  Our attempt to live holy lives will be interpreted by the world as treason and therefore we become bigoted and intolerant.

The world will hate us because GOD’s PRESENCE in us reminds them of their SIN (John 15:22-24) – In my previous youth ministry I would go once a week to the public school and visit students during the lunch hour.  There were many times when I would approach a table and I would see the students whispering to one another.  I’m pretty sure the conversation went something like, “hey you guys, this is my youth pastor, let’s clean up the conversation.”   My presence made them feel guilty about their behavior.  God’s holy presence convicts and reminds the world of the “guilt” of their sin (John 16:8-11).  To the lost and dying world, Christ followers are the presence of God, so when we walk in a room, it is God’s presence in us that reminds them of their guilt.  Remember, it is not us they hate, it is the presence of God in us that brings conviction into their life!

For some of us we are not in the position of the world hating us, but rather in a position where we are the ones who hate God!  “What!?!” you might ask, “I don’t hate God.”  James 4:4 says, “do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?  Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”  Our close companionship with the world puts us in opposition to God.  As enemies of God we must repent of our friendship with the world, put our faith in Christ for salvation, and confirm our association with Him.  When we do, we will reverse our status, no longer being enemies of God, but instead friends of God who are hated by the world.

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