Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've Lost My Unaccountable Mind!

Our culture is obsessed with reality television (although it is debatable whether any of reality television is really real).  The most popular reality show on television right now is “Duck Dynasty”.  Reality television allows us to observe the daily routine of life from the memorable to the mundane.  We even get to enjoy brief moments when individuals share the thoughts that are on their mind.  What if our entire life, the good and the bad, was lived in the watchful eye of a camera and publicly displayed for others to watch?  That would be embarrassing enough, but can you imagine having what goes through your mind scrutinized in the same way? 

Condemning the church in Thyatira for their sexual immorality Jesus says in Revelation 2:23,I am He who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works.”  God is constantly “tuned in” to the unseen reality of our lives and we will be held ACCOUNTABLE for what God finds in our MINDS!  God is searching deep into our minds to find thoughts of evil and sin.  In Ezekiel chapters 8-11God gives the prophet Ezekiel a view of “reality” in the house of Judah.  The cameras of God’s omniscience were rolling, and in a vision (not a tele-vision), God shows Ezekiel a “lowlight” film of sin that was going on in Jerusalem.

READ:  Ezekiel 8:1-3a

God searches with JEALOUSY over our sin (Ez. 8:3b-6)Jealousy is a pretty familiar storyline in reality television, most evident in “The Bachelor”.  26 women compete for the affection of 1 man.  If that is not a recipe for some pretty intense jealousy I don’t know what is!  We experience jealousy when time, attention, and affection that is intended for us is given to another!  God desires the first and best of who we are and when it is given to someone or something else He is jealous (Exodus 20:1-5).  The Bible calls anything that we give more time, attention and affection to than God an idol.  When we worship idols it is an abomination to God and He is rightfully upset as a result of our unfaithfulness to Him. 

God searches and SEES the sin we commit in the DARK (Ez. 8:7-12)“Survivor” is a reality show where contestants are isolated in the wild and try to survive while trying to avoid getting voted off.  It is common for participants to secretly scheme and plot in an attempt to eliminate others.  Because the cameras a rolling, we get to see the evil that is being planned with whispering in “the dark”.  When we act in secret and try to keep certain actions hidden we are living in darkness.  We think we are getting away with it because others don’t see us and we avoid getting caught.  But don’t be mistaken, God is ever-present and He sees our actions just as clearly in the dark.  We must not love places of darkness, instead we must come to the light where there is forgiveness.  Make no mistake, if we do not admit our own sin, it WILL be exposed by Jesus Christ (Luke 12:2-3; John 3:19-21; Rom. 2:16; 1 Cor. 4:5)!

God searches for those who SIGH and GROAN over sin (Ez. 9:1-6) – We don’t see too much sorrow and sadness over sin in reality television, and yet this is exactly the quality that God is searching our minds for.  God is merciful toward those who mourn over their sin (Mt. 5:4).  It is important to realize that God is NOT just looking for someone to destroy!  He is just as passionate about defending and upholding those who express sorrow over their sin as He is aggressively opposed to those who tolerate and willingly participate in sin.

God searches and KNOWS the things that come into our MINDS (Ez. 11:5-6) – “Big Brother” is a reality show which follows house guests living together 24 hours a day, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months. House guests go to a “Diary Room” and talk to the camera and explain what is on their mind to the viewers.  God does not need surveillance cameras to know what is going on in our life or inside our head.  Our lives are like an unedited, uncensored reality television show continually before our holy God.  God is fully aware of every thought, intention, and motivation that goes through our mind.  We may think that our mind is off limits, but in reality, . . . God knows!

Through Ezekiel’s experience of seeing into the inner lives of the nation of Israel we can see the importance losing our unaccountable mind.  We are responsible and will one day be held accountable what is on inside of our minds.  And just like the rest of God’s law, it reveals to us our desperate NEED for a Savior (Ps. 26:2).  Are you ready and willing to be held accountable for the “REALITY” of your heart and mind? 

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