expectations caused the Jews to miss their Messiah King! At the time of Jesus
arrival, the Jews were wrongly expecting a king who would overthrow the Roman
government and restore Israel’s (John 6:15).
God had declared through Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 35:11), David (2 Sam.
7:12-13) and the prophets (Is. 9:6-7) that a He was going to send a Messiah
King who would deliver the people of Israel from their oppressors and establish
an everlasting era of peace, justice, and mercy. From
Zedekiah (597-586bc), Israel’s last king, until Jesus Christ, the Jewish people
of Israel had been without a king ruling over them for over 550 years. Anticipation of God re-establishing an
earthly king was at the center of Jewish expectations.
Jesus was not who the Jews were
EXPECTING, but He was their KING!
The Jewish King would arrive under the radar of Jewish
expectations. Although the Jewish
expectations of the Messiah King were wrong, it is obvious from Scripture that
God intended for Jesus Christ to be more than just an earthly king, but a
different kind of King who would rule and reign for eternity! How did the Jews
miss their King?
1. Jesus
the Jewish King was born in BETHLEHEM (Matthew
2:1-6) – Jesus’ entrance into the world was not a kingly event. Jesus was born in a small village 5 miles
south of Jerusalem. Because there was no
room at the inn for Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem, Jesus was born in barn or
cave where animals were kept overnight.
His bed was a trough that animals were fed from. Jesus’ birth was on not one of nobility, but
instead one of humility. The King of the
Jews did not ascend mightily to a throne, but rather descended in a lowly
manner to the earth.
2. Jesus
the Jewish King conducted His triumphal procession riding on a DONKEY (John 12:12-15) – During this time period, Roman
leaders would publically celebrate a military victory by proudly ride a chariot
through the city with a procession of soldiers.
The prophet Zechariah had predicted Jesus’ pre-victory triumphal
procession, but instead of riding on a chariot He was riding on a donkey. The King of the Jews’ humble victory parade showed
that He had an even greater conquest in mind.
Jesus the Jewish King was coronated by being MOCKED (Mt. 27:27-30) – Jesus being crowned as King was a
mockery. Soldiers of Pilate
sarcastically hailed Jesus as the King.
They belittled Him, embarrassed Him, made fun of Him, and physically
abused Him. Treatment worthy of a
criminal, not a King. Treatment that the
sinless Christ had neither earned or deserved, and yet He endured such ridicule
and shame in order to wear the crown of a true King.
3. Jesus
the Jewish King assumed the throne by His SUFFERING and DEATH (John 19:1-3, 14-22) – Earthly kings rule and reign
with power and strength. Jesus’ power
and strength were displayed in His weakest, most vulnerable moment. Through death, Jesus displayed His power over
death. Jesus gained the ultimate victory
over death by raising from the dead 3 days after He was buried in a grave. Jesus’ victory over sin and death makes Him not
just the King of the Jews, but all who would believe in Him!
Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews and most all of them
missed and overlooked Him for the King that He was and still is. Do we have the
wrong expectations of Jesus? Is it
possible for us to miss or overlook who Jesus Christ is in our lives? Be careful not to make the same
mistake as the Jews. Jesus Christ is
God-Himself, born as a man, who humbly endured the shame and punishment of the
cross in order to save us from our sins and resurrect us back to life in order
to rule and reign with Him in heaven for eternity. Is Jesus your
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