Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Faith That Works: Tongue

Are you familiar with these descriptions of how we use our words?
Tip of the Tongue = a temporary failure/inability to retrieve a word from memory
Tongue in Cheek = words spoken that are not meant to be taken entirely seriously
Tongue Twister = words combined together that are very difficult to pronounce
Tongue Tied = being unable use the words you want to due to confusion
Cat Got Your Tongue = a phrase refers to when a person has no words to say
Bite Your Tongue = a phrase which describes holding back or withholding use of words
Slip of the Tongue = an unintentional or accidental use of words

All of these catchy descriptions have to do with the WORDS that come out of our mouths.  I don’t think any of us understand, or take seriously enough, the power of our words.  Look at what James has to say about the tongue . . .

READ:  James 3:1-12

God Himself displays the power of words.  In Genesis 1 it says that God said, “let there be light,” and there was light.  He said, “let there be water and land,” and it was so.  He said, “let the earth sprout vegetation” and it was so.  He said, “let the earth bring forth living creatures,” and it was so.  God has the kind of authority that when He speaks, it happens.  We were created in God’s image, and although we can’t speak something into existence, our words do have the ability to create reality for those whom our words are directed toward.

Our words deeply impact us and our hearers.  We need to be using our words to create blessing and not a curse!

1.  Our words STEER the path of our lives (vs 2-6) – The steering wheel is to a car what the tongue is to our lives.  The difference in a car staying safely on the road and being mangled by an electric pole, tree, or oncoming vehicle is an attentive driver in control of the wheel.  We will be able to successfully navigate our way through the twists and turns of relationships with friends, neighbors, co-workers, bosses, parents, spouses, children, etc when we use our words in a manner pleasing to God.  On the other hand, when we use our words in a manner that is not pleasing to God our relationships with others will be headed toward a fiery wreck.

2.  Our words have immeasurable potential for EVIL and DESTRUCTION (vss 6-8) – “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Although a helpful phrase when trying to deal with hurtful words spoken to us, we all know from experience that this little poetic phrase is false.  Hurtful words directed toward another person damages their inner soul and spirit.  Sadly, because of our selfish nature, our words tend toward hurting others.  This does not have to be the case!  We can use our words to bring good, blessing, and hope into the life of others we speak with.

3.  Our words cannot be used HYPOCRITICALLY (vss 9-12) – Words we use that are contrary to the standard of the Bible (gossip, crude/obscene/profane/corrupt talk, lie, using the Lord’s name in vain, argumentative, slander, malice) should be foreign and rare for a believer in Christ.  We cannot say we hold to a God-given standard with our words and be disobedient to it!  Such hypocrisy with our words reveals a deeper issue in our hearts.  For the words that come out of our mouths reveal the true nature of who we really are (Mt. 12:33-37; Lk. 6:43-45). 

Every word that comes off of our tongue has the potential to heal or injure, to encourage or ridicule, to lift up or tear down, to honor or disrespect, to build trust or to breed doubt, and ultimately to bring life or death.  Matthew 12:36-37 says that we will be held accountable for “every careless word we speak”.  Don’t be careless!  Let’s be wise with our words and use each and every one in a way that builds others up (Eph. 4:29) and is honoring and pleasing to God.  When we do, we are steering our lives toward Christlikeness and away from unrighteousness.

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