If our eyes are a “window” to our soul, then
our mouth (where words come from) is the “front door” standing
wide open inviting everyone to come on in and see what’s inside. The content of our words (the
actual words we use) and the tone of our words (the attitude we
use) communicate volumes about who we are and what is in our hearts. There are times in our home when one of us
will speak in a way that is selfish, manipulative, rude, argumentative, unkind,
or cruel. In moments when I have heard
enough, and my effort to get them to speak differently failed, I have attempted
to video record their words. I literally
want them to “watch their mouth” so that they can SEE with their own eyes what
they are saying and how they are saying it.
Almost every time I have tried, as soon as I hit the record button they
stop talking or put a smile on their face. They don’t want their words to be recorded. Do the words that
come out of our mouths’ reveal what is deep down inside our heart?
READ: Proverbs 18:4
Here’s our WORD TO THE WISE for the week from the book of
Proverbs: Watch
your MOUTH! The words that
come out of our mouths reveal the deep inner nature of who we really are (Mt. 12:33-37; Lk. 6:43-45). It is important for us to realize the power
of the words that come out of our mouths.
Every word that comes out of our mouth has the potential to heal or
injure, to encourage or ridicule, to lift up or tear down, to honor or
disrespect, to build trust or to breed doubt, and ultimately to bring life or
death. When
we speak, what words should be coming out of our mouths?
When we speak, speak WISDOM (Prov. 10:13, 31-32, 15:2, 15:7, 20:15, 22:17-18)
– I’ve already defined wisdom as, “knowing and living according to God’s
ways”. Those who are wise are to speak
words of this wisdom to others. In Colossians 1:9-10 Paul prays for Colossian
believers, that they would be filled with, “all
spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the
Lord, . . . increasing in the knowledge of God.” When we speak, the content and tone of
our words should bring others to a greater understanding of, 1) who God is and
2) what it means to live according to God’s ways! If we’ve got wisdom, then wisdom will always
be on our lips!
When we speak, speak TRUTH (Proverbs 12:19, 20:17, 24:26) –
Honesty is a top 10 priority for God.
The ninth commandment says, “you shall not
bear false witness against your neighbor (Ex. 20:16, Dt. 5:20).” Just like our words come from our deep
inner nature, God speaks out of His deep inner nature as well. Titus 1:2 says
that, “God never lies”, while Hebrews 6:18 says that it is, “impossible for (Him) to lie.” It is hard at times, but being honest and
speaking the truth is ALWAYS the right thing.
A lie may temporarily cover up our mistakes or shortcomings, but it will
also steal any peace and contentment we possess. Our words must be true!
When we speak, speak with RESTRAINT (Proverbs 10:19,
13:3, 15:28, 17:28, 21:23) – If there is one cliché that I
remember my father saying growing up it was, “If you don’t have anything good
to say, don’t say anything at all”.
Whether my dad realized it or not, that is wisdom paraphrased straight out
of the book of Proverbs. James 1:19 says, “let
every person be quick to hear, (and) slow to speak.” Before we speak, we must pause and give
careful thought to what we allow to come out of our mouths. Ephesians 4:29
says, “let no corrupting talk come out of
your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as it fits the
occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” If the words our heart is telling our mouth
to speak are not going to build another person up we would be wise to restrain
ourselves and remain silent.
Every written author uses an editor to help correct their
grammar, spelling, punctuation, and content before it is printed and viewed by
the public. Just like a written author
needs an editor, all of us are desperately in need of an “editor” who can help
us correct the content and the tone of the words we speak before they come out
of our mouths. The editor of our spoken
words is the Holy Spirit! He is
available to “watch our mouth” for us and help us speak with wisdom, honesty,
and restraint when necessary.